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News and Events
A Good Yarn
Are you interested in yarn crafts? Cross-stitch, macrame, knitting or crochet? Then come along to A Good Yarn. These drop in sessions are free and informal. You can stay for the full 1 and a half hours or just pop in for a short time Bring along your latest...
We are excited to announce that Lego Club is back! Lego Club is on every Thursday at Halton Lea Library, 3.30-5pm. Free, drop in sessions. Every Tuesday at Widnes Library, 3.30-5pm starting 19th April.
Reading Groups
Halton Libraries run a number of Reading groups, who meet monthly and are always open to new members Halton Lea Library Saturday meets on the last Saturday of every month at 10.30am Widnes Library Tuesday 1 meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5.45pm Tuesday 2...
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