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News and Events
Halton Healthwatch
Healthwatch Halton will be coming to Widnes library every month from 10.30-12.30 on the following dates: 24th March 24th April Do you have an idea that could help improve health and social care? Healthwatch are here to help make care better. They listen to your...
New! Family History Helpdesk
Starting on Tuesday 4th October, 1-4pm, Halton Lea Library, Floor 1 Interested in researching your family history but don't know where to start? Join us on the first Tuesday of every month for the Family History Helpdesk. There will be free access to Ancestry and...
New Opening Hours for Halton Lea Library Coming Soon
A spokesperson for Halton Borough Council said: "For the safety of library staff and customers, the library will be closing earlier, in line with Runcorn Shopping City's opening times. Halton Lea Library currently stays open Tuesdays and Thursdays until 7pm and the...
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