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News and Events
Halton Bereavement Cafe
Halton Libraries, Widnes & Runcorn Cancer Support Group, and Halton & St Helens CVA are launching a new bereavement cafe in Halton. This informal, peer led group is an opportunity for Halton's bereaved adults to get together to chat and support each other. ...
BFI Replay
60 years of screen stories, digitised and preserved for you Relive, research and lose yourself in the past with thousands of digitised videos and television programmes - from the 1960s to the 2010s. From the British Film Institute (BFI) National Archive and partner UK...
Family History Helpdesk
Starting on Friday 3rd February, 11am-3pm, Widnes Library Interested in researching your family history but don’t know where to start? Join us on the first Friday of every month for the Family History Helpdesk. There will be free access to Ancestry and help provided...
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