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News and Events
HPIJ Work Club Support
Monday, 1-4pm, Widnes Library Wednesday, 1-4pm, Halton Lea Library (Floor 3) Halton People Into Jobs will be offering weekly advice and support sessions for their current users and those seeking job search support.
Marvellous Menopause
Are you struggling with menopause symptoms? Would you like support and information? Need a confidence boost? Come along and connect over a cuppa! All sessions are 10-11.30am with free refreshments provided. Saturday 27th July - Widnes Library. Book online through...
Enhancement to the library catalogue
Halton Libraries catalogue has had an upgrade with a new look catalogue. Thanks to funding from Library On, the catalogue will include new and improved search facilities using Aspen Discovery Tool. The new look catalogue makes it easier to find Halton Libraries...
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