Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the current opening hours?
A. You can find our opening hours on our Opening Hours web page.
Q. How do I return my library books?
A. You can return your books to any of our four libraries in Halton. You do not need to return the books to the library you borrowed them from.
Q. How do I renew my library books?
A. You can renew your books by selecting this link and entering your library card number and pin
Q. I don’t know my pin, what do I do?
A. You can contact a member of staff via email or by private message through our Facebook account @HaltonLibraries
Q. Will I receive a fine if my books are late?
A. No, Halton Libraries no longer charge fines for overdue items.
Q. My account shows I have fines, I thought Halton Libraries didn’t charge fines.
A. It may be your books are overdue and the library management system is registering them as lost. As soon as the books are returned this charge will come off your ticket.
Q. I want to join the library, what do I do?
A. You can join the library online and we will email you with details of your card number and pin.
Q. I filled in an online form to join but I have not received a reply.
A. If you have not had a reply within 3-5 days please contact us via or by private message through our Facebook and Twitter accounts @HaltonLibraries to let us know.
Q. I have a personal question about my library account, who do I contact.
A. Staff are available to answer questions in person, via telephone, email or via private message through our Facebook and Twitter accounts @HaltonLibraries.
Q. I want to access online magazines and ebooks but I don’t know how to do it.
A. You will find our online resources on the Digital page of our website. If you need help with our resources you can contact your library and staff who will be happy to guide you through it.
Q. My books are delivered to me by the Home Library service. When is my next delivery due?
A . You can contact Halton Libraries for information regarding your deliveries. They will be able to direct your enquiry to the correct staff members.
Q. Can I join the home library service?
A. The Home Library Service operates for people who are normally housebound or find it hard to get to their nearest library for reasons such as mobility problems, illness or carer responsibilities. You can ask library staff for more details or email
Q. Why has my library card stopped working?
A. It could be that your card has expired. Contact any library and let us know and we will be able to reactive it again. If you have not used your card for a number of years, it could be that your library account has closed. It is quick and easy to re-join either online or in person.
Q. Do you have a photocopier?
A. Yes, you can photocopy in colour or black and white and in sizes A4 and A3. There is a small charge for photocopying.
Q. Are there PCs in the libraries that I can use?
A. Yes, there are several pcs available in each library that are free of charge to use. You will need to be a member of Halton libraries to use one. If you are not a member it is free to join.
Q. What events and activities do you have in the library?
A. You can find details of all our activities and events on Halton Libraries website.